Monday 3 June 2013

JawBreaker (1999)

Here the link to the trailer (watch it first !) :
Imagine Mean Girls, but 100 times more meaner. The first time I watched this was 3 years back I think, and it caught my eye right away. The plot involves a popular female clique, and the accidental murder of one of its members with a Jaw Breaker. I know right. How could you kill somebody with candy. Well they did. Successfully. Okay, let me break this one to you quickly, there are four girls. One of them is having a birthday, so the other three kidnap her, stuff a jawbreaker in her mouth and tape it shut, stuff her in the back of their car, and drive off. Upon opening the trunk, turns out, she died, and that the jawbreaker found its way inside of her throat while they were driving. So as they were covering up the "murder" at the dead girl's house, this shy girl from their school (she was there to send homework) saw the whole thing. This part is interesting, in exchange for the shy girl to shut up, the leader of the group offered her to join the group and promised her popularity. Despite Jawbreaker taking place in a high school, this isn't a film for children. It's vulgar, profane, and wickedly dark. The whole theme for the movie, to me is, girls are obsessed with popularity. And this is the perfect movie to portray that statement. This "shy" girl would do anything to join the popular group. Including hiding a murder. She got so full of herself that in the end, everything backed fire. She crashed and burned. This shy girl turns out to be bitch-ess of them all and ruined herself. Nobody liked her, being drunk in the hallways, humiliating herself,  thinks she's good in everything. Being infamous is not all that. And the mean one, well lets just say she got sent away to jail. And this also sends out the message,  not all friendship are sincere. Especially in high school. Trust me on that. Oh this film taught me everything in dealing with "popular" girls. Great movie. Plus, their fashion in perfect. I love the whole concept of this movie. It really opened up my eyes and made me realize, sometimes, being popular in high school is not a good thing. And girls should really stop being obsessed with the whole concept of being popular by acting like a bitch or constantly seeking for attention in the stupidest way ever. Really. Sorry for covering a dark comedy for my first post. To make it up to you. Here are some rad soundtracks from the movie: 

  • Don't Call Me Babe - Shampoo
  • Bad Word for A Good Thing - Friggs
  • Beat You Up - The Prissteens
  • Rock & Roll Machine - The Donnas
Wanna watch the whole movie ? Here's the link to the whole movie on youtube, ENJOY :

"Never send a rose unless dyed black as a warning. And if one is sent to you, destroy it along with the sender. Emotionally of course. It's not like we kill people....on purpose."

Thanks for reading. 
xx Karissa

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